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  1. Pick forest related job(s) and message(s) you are most excited about.

  2. Do your research — talk to at least one person in a forest-related occupation (this is a requirement for this contest). Winning videos use strong facts/statistics/experiences from a variety of sources. Check out  Student Information, and Interview Tips, for ideas.

  3. You’ll come across a lot of interesting information. Choose the most important to support your message. 

  4. Follow the writing process: brainstorm, plan, draft (storyboard, script), revise, edit, and then produce a final product.

  5. Choose your audience and target your message for them.

  6. Establish a tone. Whether humorous or serious, make sure your tone doesn’t distract viewers from your overall message.

  7. Consider choosing appropriate music to get your audience in the right mood.

  8. Be clear and concise in your video – 90 seconds goes by quickly.

  9. If your video includes people talking, be sure everyone speaks slowly and enunciates their words.

  10. Be creative. You can use video, skits, pictures, voice over, music, flip-books — the sky is the limit! Get friends involved and collaborate to make an even better project.

  11. Have other people screen your video before submitting to ensure your message is easily heard and understood.

  12. Follow all the RULES, including length, content, and copyright rules. List all your sources on the Entry Form.

  13. Have fun!

Websites for Copyright Free Images and Music – Click here to find several sites offering a wide range of free copyright-free and royalty-free images, music, and audio.

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